Transformations of the cultural landscape in Andean rural historical areas


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Other Title
  • アンデス農村地域の文化的景観の変容
  • Chinchero village in the Inka Sacred Valley, Cusco, Peru
  • ペルー共和国インカの聖なる谷のチンチェロ村を事例として


Andean cultural landscape in the Inka Sacred Valley is facing a strong process of transformation caused by development, putting at risk the cultural and historical heritage. In order to find proper planning methods for the conservation of the cultural landscape, we explore the case of Chinchero village, an old Inka settlement within the most tourism-oriented area of the region. First we identify the components of the cultural landscape as assets for a sustainable environmental planning. Secondly, we evaluate its existing conditions in order to clarify the problems occurring due to unplanned growth and increasing tourism. Then, we identify the resources under higher pressure that need to be considered for the conservation and regeneration strategies. Finally, we identify stakeholders and evaluate the possibilities of supporting the protection of cultural landscape components that are essential for conservation and regeneration strategies.


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    • JaLC
    • Crossref
    • CiNii Articles
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