Study on the evaluation of the green space in urban area based on the estimation of the vegetation cover ratio and the amount of CO2 sink using remote sensing data


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Other Title
  • 衛星データを用いた緑被率・炭素吸収量の推計に基づく都市内緑地の評価に関する研究
  • A case study in Yokohama City
  • 横浜市を事例として


This study aims to understand how the green space in urban area is distributed and how much carbon dioxide it would fix. In Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report of Japan, the green space in urban area is not regarded as CO2 sink because of the difficulty to count the accurate amount. Since some high performance satellites have started their operations, various reports have developed efficient methods to estimate environmental information using remote sensing data. This study used these existing models to estimate the amount of green and CO2 sink in urban area. The result of this study showed that considerable amount of CO2 is sank by the green space in urban area, especially in residential area and industrial sites, which is not regarded as CO2 sink.


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    • JaLC
    • Crossref
    • CiNii Articles
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