地震時の上水道機能停止による生活支障の定量評価に関する研究 : 1995年兵庫県南部地震後の生活実態をもとにした事例研究


  • QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF DAILY LIFE DIFFICULTY FROM WATER SUPPLY SUSPENSION DUE TO EARTHQUAKE DISASTER : A case study of life difficulty based on the actual condition after the 1995 Hyogoken-nanbu earthquake
  • ジシンジ ノ ジョウスイドウ キノウ テイシ ニヨル セイカツ シショウ ノ



First, we surveyed the actual condition of living difficulties the people were suffering because of the water supply suspension after the Hyogoken-nanbu earthquake, and extracted the two main measurable factors of daily life difficulty, that is, lack of supplied water and fatigue from water carriage. On the basis of these factors, the formula for quantitative evaluation of daily life difficulty from water supply suspension was proposed. Secondly, using this evaluation formula, we calculated the daily life difficulty in Kobe City after the earthquake. And we also calculated the difficulty anticipated under the plan for emergency water supply that had been worked out by Kobe City authorities following the earthquake. In conclusion, the authors showed the necessity of speedy restoration of complete water supply, and the importance of upgrading the restoration ratio to reduce the inconvenience of daily living in the whole stricken area.


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