Feedback-feedforward blood glucose control in type 1 diabetes for carbohydrate-rich food with varying glycemic index


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  • グリセミック指数による炭水化物を考慮に入れた1型糖尿病患者のフィードバック・フィードフォワード血糖値制御


Treatment of type 1 diabetes consists of subcutaneous insulin administration to maintain blood glucose levels within normal range. In particular, a large prandial insulin dose is necessary at mealtime depending on the carbohydrate amount and type ingested. Nonetheless, such prandial insulin bolus is often miscalculated, which results in postprandial hyper/hypoglycemia. In this study we develop a feedback-feedforward blood glucose control that comprises an optimal preprandial insulin infusion followed by a MPC-based postprandial blood glucose control to maintain normoglycemia. The former includes an optimization problem using a mathematical model of glucose-insulin metabolism in type 1 diabetes previously developed and considers insulin infusion 60 min prior to food ingestion. Simulation results of the proposed prandial blood glucose control algorithm demonstrate the ability of the proposed blood glucose control algorithm to reduce postprandial hyperglycemia and prevent hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetic patients.


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    • CiNii Articles
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