A Studies on the actual conditions of Vegetation growth in Seaside Open Space and Park

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  • 臨海部公園緑地における樹林の生育実態に関する研究
  • リンカイブ コウエン リョクチ ニ オケル セイイク ジッタイ ニ カンスル

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In this paper we would like to clarify the change of the vegetation of Oi Wharf Central Seaside Park and to discuss the characterisitic of vegetation in the seaside reclaimed land.<BR>We have many probrem in vegetation management at the planting on the seaside reclaimed land.<BR>The planting has done at three times, 1975, '77, '80, in this area.<BR>The tree thrive differed with species. Most prosperous thrive was the specise which adapted for the seaside environment.<BR>The struggle for existence was very hard at the over planted land.<BR>Aftere we will get more data, we discussed the way of vegatation management in the seaside reclaimed land.


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