Aritomo YAMAGATA'S Image and View of Gardens and Chinzan-so

  • SUZUKI Makoto
    Department of landscape Architecture Science, Faculty of Regional Environment Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture
  • AWANO Takashi
    National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Nara
  • INOKAWA Wakana
    Fujita Kanko Kouei Inc.

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  • 山県有朋の庭園観と椿山荘
  • 山縣有朋の庭園観と椿山荘
  • ヤマガタ アリトモノ テイエンカン ト チンザンソウ

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Aritomo Yamagata (1838-1922) who was the famous serviceman and politician at the Meiji era had a hobby of garden design. It is very famous that Murin-an garden (1896) in Kyoto had a strong influence on shaping a modern Japanese garden style. It is Yamagata that planed this garden and conducted the garden master Ueji who is considered as a leader of modern garden design of Japan. Therefore it should be said that Yamagata had a very strong influence on the modern garden design of Japan. However, there are a lot of studies on Ueji and his works, but little on the gardens of Yamagata. This study aimed to clarify the image and view of gardens on the mind of Yamagata through mainly considering Chinzan-so garden (1878) in Mejiro, Tokyo that he made before meeting Ueji and used as his main mansion. Through the analysis of basic plan and design of Chinzan-so garden and the research on the landscape of his hometown Hagi in Yamaguchi prefecture, as the result, the authors pointed out that there is the similarity of water feature between the scenery of Yamagata's gardens and his hometown landscape. It would be said that Yamagata's garden design motive was from his mindscape of hometown, Kawashima in Hagi city.


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