比叡山延暦寺地域の空間構成に関する研究 (III)


  • Studies on Space Organization of Hieizan-Enryakuji Temple Area
  • 比叡山延暦寺地域の空間構成に関する研究-3-視覚対象量と識別距離との対応による景観構成の数量的把握
  • ヒエイザン エンリャクジ チイキ ノ クウカン コウセイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 3 シカク タイショウリョウ ト シキベツ キョリ ト ノ タイオウ ニ ヨル ケイカン コウセイ ノ スウリョウテキ ハアク
  • quantitative aspect of interdependence between visual volume of the object and recognition distance
  • 視覚対象量と識別矩離との対応による景観構成の数量的把握



In previous report, studies on Space Organization of Hieizan-Enryakuji Temple Area……analysis for landscape composition based on visual experience, characteristic of human behavior for visual object in landscape was discussed to recognize interdependence between man and his physical environment through analysis for landsdape composition.<BR>As the method, visual zone and recognition distance were chosen and visual zone map was made with consideration of sequeucial experience for space based on human movement.<BR>In this study, visual zone map as projected model of pattern was replaced to visual volume of the object and then was searched for interdependence between recognition distance. Moreover, it was tried to formulate as mathematical model.


  • 造園雑誌

    造園雑誌 35 (3), 8-16, 1972-02-29

    社団法人 日本造園学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

