プラグシステム, フェノール樹脂およびロックウールを用いたオオイタビの挿し木繁殖


  • Propagation of <I>Ficus pumila</I> L. by cutting in plug flats, oasis-mediums, and rockwool blocks
  • プラグ システム フェノール ジュシ オヨビ ロックウール オ モチイタ オオ



Metro Mix (peat-vermiculite seedling medium, MM) in piug flats, oasis Wedge System (WS), oasis Root-cubes (RC), and rockwool blocks (RB) were used as mediums for cutting of Ficus pumila L. Sand-peat mix (1:1) in a plastic flat was also used as a conventional system (CS). Five months after cutting, there was no singnificant difference in lateral shoot number per cutting among each medium, although total shoot length per cutting and average shoot length in the CS and in MM were significantly longer than in other mediums. In the other experiment, lateral shoot length of cuttings in RC and MM was significantly longer then in WS, RB, and sand-peat mix in a plug flat; and lateral shoot number in WS was significantly smaller than in other mediums. Cuttings in smaller plug cells containing 15 and 21cm3 medium gained more lateral shoot number and lateral shoot length than those in larger cells (50cm3).


  • 造園雑誌

    造園雑誌 55 (5), 163-168, 1991

    社団法人 日本造園学会

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