Riverscape Characteristics Based upon the Structural Changes of Riverscape

  • KUBO Tadashi
    Laboratory of Urban Landscape Design, College of Agriculture, University of Osaka Prefecture
  • NAKASE Isao
    Laboratory of Urban Landscape Design, College of Agriculture, University of Osaka Prefecture
  • SUGIMOTO Masami
    Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Design, Kyushu Institute of Design
  • ABE Daishu
    Laboratory of Urban Landscape Design, College of Agriculture, University of Osaka Prefecture
  • KAMIHOGI Akiharu
    Laboratory of Urban Landscape Design, College of Agriculture, University of Osaka Prefecture

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  • 河川景観の変容構造の把握に基づいた河川景観諸特性の考察
  • カセン ケイカン ノ ヘンヨウ コウゾウ ノ ハアク ニ モトズイタ カセン

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The riverscape is changing relate to the urbanization of protected land and the developments of low water channel controll.<BR>In this study, the changing processes of riverscape were discussed from the landscape elements of watershed in long perspective dimensions, from the landuse changes of protected land and from the changes of human behaviors on the river site.<BR>In the results, the riverscapes were categorised into three types. The first type is the typical riverscape in natural landscape, the second type is in the rural landscape and the third type is in the urban landscape. The characteristics were discussed relating to the landform, landuse and another elements along the river.


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