Evaluation of effects of the opening the Tohoku Shinkansen based on residents opinion in Aomori Prefecture:


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Other Title
  • 青森県の住民意識にみる東北新幹線の開業効果
  • 青森、弘前、八戸市の調査から
  • From results of a survey conducted in Aomori, Hirosaki, and Hachinohe City


The Tohoku Shinkansen started its operation in Aomori Prefecture in the 2000s. An opinion survey was carried out about effects of the Tohoku Shinkansen in the summer of 2014 in Aomori, Hirosaki and Hachinohe City with 313 respondents in total. About 40% of residents responded that there were favorable effects from Shinkansen; respondents in Hachinohe showed the highest favorable effects. On the other hand, there were some differences among three regions on the convenience and economical effect of Shinkansen operation. More than half responded it difficult to predict the effects to Aomori Prefecture from the initiation of Hokkaido Shinkansen services.


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
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