Reduction of errors in SRTM DEM using ICESat lidar altimetry


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Other Title
  • ICESatレーザー高度計を用いたSRTM DEMの高精度化


In this paper, we introduce a method for removing height errors from the SRTM DEM using ICESat lidar altimetry. First, we estimated the long-wavelength height error by comparing SRTM against ICESat “centroid” elevation, and removed it by interpolating the height bias within 1/6 degree tiles. Second, we calculated the tree height bias by subtracting ICESat “lowest” elevation from SRTM. We estimated tree height bias in pixels without ICESat measurement using the Landsat tree density map and the global forest height map. Third, short-wavelength noise were reduced by a smoothing filter. By applying this 3-step method, the RMSE was also reduced from 8.06m to 5.65m. The modified DEM showed reasonable agreements to existing river network map and inundation map, suggesting the robustness of the removal method.


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
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