Age and Gender Differences of Big Five Personality Traits in a Cross-Sectional Japanese Sample
- Kawamoto Tetsuya
- Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- Oshio Atsushi
- Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University
- Abe Shingo
- Faculty of Psychology and Children's Studies, Baika Women's University
- Tsubota Yuki
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Nagoya University
- Hirashima Taro
- Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Nagoya University
- Ito Hiroyuki
- Research Center for Child Mental Development, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
- Tani Iori
- School of Humanities, Tokai Gakuen University
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- ビッグ・ファイブ・パーソナリティ特性の年齢差と性差:大規模横断調査による検討
- ビッグ ・ ファイブ ・ パーソナリティ トクセイ ノ ネンレイサ ト セイサ : ダイキボ オウダン チョウサ ニ ヨル ケントウ
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This study explored the effects of age and gender on the mean levels of Big Five personality traits in Japanese adulthood. The data for the present study were drawn from a large cross-sectional study. The participants were 4,588 adults (2,476 women, M age=53.5 years, SD age=12.9, age range: 23–79 years), and the analyzed measure was a Japanese version of the Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI-J; Oshio, Abe, & Cutrone, 2012). Multiple regression analyses were carried out to determine the effects of age, gender, and the interaction between the two on each Big Five scale. Age differences were found suggesting that agreeableness and conscientiousness are positively associated with age. Gender differences were also found suggesting that females have higher levels of extraversion, while males are more open to experience. An Age×Sex effect was confirmed only on neuroticism, indicating that younger females' level of neuroticism is significantly higher than males, but older females' level is lower and is at the same level as males.
- The Japanese Journal of Developmental Psychology
The Japanese Journal of Developmental Psychology 26 (2), 107-122, 2015
Japan Society of Developmental Psychology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205741381760
- NII Article ID
- 40020500021
- 130007040290
- NII Book ID
- AN10229548
- 21879346
- 09159029
- 026519868
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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