A Comparison Between Fathers and Mothers in a Play Situation with Three-Year Olds

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  • 3歳児における父子と母子の遊びタイプの比較
  • 3サイジ ニ オケル フシ ト ボシ ノ アソビ タイプ ノ ヒカク

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This study compared father-child and mother-child interactions in a play situation with 3-year old children. Observers watched Japanese fathers and mothers playing with their children in a laboratory setting. Seventy-two father-child and 72 mother-child dyads were rated for play interactions using three scales: "Parental respect for the child's autonomy," "Adequacy of parent's attempts in structure and limit-setting," and "Sensitivity to the child's communication." Classifications of the characteristics of parent-child interaction combined parents' scores on the three scales. The relationships between parents and their children can be classified into several types: H-H-H (all three scales were high), L-L-L (all three scales were low), Limit-High (only limit-setting was high), and Limit-Low (only limit-setting was low). Interaction classifications were significantly related to child rearing attitudes both for mothers and fathers, as measured by a questionnaire, and to children's affective control as observed. There was also a significant difference between father-child and mother-child interactions in the distributions of the four types of interactions. The flexible attitudes of fathers, and rigid attitudes of mothers toward the child, were associated with high limit-setting.


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