Characteristics of the fluorescent substances in the Yodo River system by three-dimensional excitation emission matrix spectroscopy

  • SUZUKI Yasuhiro
    Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University
  • NAKAGUCHI Yuzuru
    Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University
  • HIRAKI Keizo
    Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University
  • NAGAO Seiya
    Department of Environmental Safety Research, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
  • KUDO Mituo
    Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University
  • KIMURA Munehito
    Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University

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  • 三次元励起・蛍光光度法による淀川水系中の蛍光物質の特徴
  • 3ジゲン レイキ ケイコウ コウドホウ ニヨル ヨドガワ スイケイチュウ ノ

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In order to understand the characteristics of dissolved fluorescent substances in the Yodo River system, fluorescence properties of these substances were investigated by three-dimensional excitation emission matrix (3-D EEM) spectroscopy. The water samples were characterized by three excitation (Ex.)/emission (Em.) maxima in the winter and spring seasons. Relative fluorescence intensities of Ex./Em. maxima increased down stream. Positive relationships among relative fluorescence intensities of the three Ex./Em. maxima and dissolved organic carbon, nutrients in the river and pore waters were observed. The results suggest that the major sources of the fluorescent substances are waste water effluents as well as leaching from bottom sediments. Negative relationships between relative fluorescence intensities and chlorophyll a in the spring season, suggesting that these substances are not directly originated from the biological activity in this river system. The peak positions of the fluorescent substances in the river water samples corresponded to the protein and fulvic-like substances which have been reported.


  • Chikyukagaku

    Chikyukagaku 32 (1), 21-30, 1998

    The Geochemical Society of Japan

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