- Ahama Shihori
- 山口県立大学 高等教育センター
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- Other Title
- 知的財産学習における反転授業の学習成果に関する研究
- 知的財産学習における反転授業の学習成果に関する研究 : 学習状況に応じた分類による学習者特性の分析
- チテキ ザイサン ガクシュウ ニ オケル ハンテン ジュギョウ ノ ガクシュウ セイカ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : ガクシュウ ジョウキョウ ニ オウジタ ブンルイ ニ ヨル ガクシュウシャ トクセイ ノ ブンセキ
- ―学習状況に応じた分類による学習者特性の分析―
- -Analysis of Learner Characteristics by Classification According to Learning Situation-
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<p> Although the content of what is learned in higher education in the field of intellectual property education has become more sophisticated, what is required is sound knowledge and academic ability. In this study, with quality assurance of the learning content related to intellectual property as our aim, we carried out flipped teaching using Moodle, and tried to clarify the learning outcome using quantitative analysis. Furthermore, we also verified the students' characteristics based on the qualitative analysis. We had the students register the “video teaching materials”, which were the learning contents, and the corresponding “pre-assignments”in Moodle in advance, and tried to improve their understanding and knowledge retention of the intellectual property-related learning content. In order to clarify how these learning formats(prior learning, including watching video teaching materials, etc.)influence the learner's knowledge retention relating to intellectual property, comparisons were carried out of the students' learning situations and test scores. As a result, it was suggested that assigning video viewing and pre-assignments contributes to the retention of knowledge.</p>
- Computer & Education
Computer & Education 42 (0), 49-54, 2017
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205745701248
- NII Article ID
- 130006236439
- NII Book ID
- AA11252984
- 21886962
- 21862168
- 028313421
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed