A Follow-Up Study of Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Department of Internal Medicine, Juntendo University, School of Medicine.
- Department of Internal Medicine, Juntendo University, School of Medicine.
- Department of Internal Medicine, Juntendo University, School of Medicine.
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- Other Title
- 急性心筋硬塞患者の予後に関する臨床的検討
- キュウセイ シンキン コウサイ カンジャ ノ ヨゴ ニ カンスル リンショウテ
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283 patients with acute myocardial infarction (acute MI.) who were admitted to Juntendo Univ. Hospital during 1963 to 1976 were followed up. Since 1968 the total number of patients with acute M.I. tended to increase, but the total number of acute deaths did not increase. Sex ratio of the total patients was 5.2 males to 1 female. Age ranged from 29 to 87 years old (mean 63. 1). Mean age of females was 67. 3 years old and that of males 62. 3 years old. Acute death occurred in 27% (77 cases). Sex ratio of those acute death cases was 2.7 males to 1 female. Mean age of acute death cases was higher than that of all patients. About 60% of acute deaths occurred within 24 hours after the attack. The acute death was observed at a higher rete in the patients with extensive myocardial infarction. The other 206 patients, who had been discharged alive, were followed up for 2 to 14 years. Late death cases were 26%, alive cases 41%, and undetected cases 6%. The survival rate in 35 patients who had been followed up for over 10 years was poorer than that in recent 63 patients followed up for over 5 years. Long follow-up observation yielded the result that the prognosis of older patients was poorer than that of younger patients. Causes of the late deaths were cardiac-related ones in 55% and reattack in 26%. As regards physical activities of the survivors, 62% were in NYHAI0, 28% in II0 and 10% in more than III0. A half of the survivors continued some kinds of measures for prevention of secondary attacks. In conclusion, although the prognosis of younger patients with acute M.I.was not so poor, that of older patients over 60 years of age was poor both in the acute phase and the later phase.
- Juntendo Medical Journal
Juntendo Medical Journal 26 (3), 310-318, 1980
The Juntendo Medical Society
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205746791040
- NII Article ID
- 130004710827
- NII Book ID
- AN00113194
- 21882134
- 00226769
- 2336884
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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