理科教員養成史研究(1) : 「理科教師に求められる資質とは何か」戦前編


  • History of Science Teacher Education (1) : "What was the professional knowledge and competence of science teachers before World War II?"
  • リカ キョウイン ヨウセイシ ケンキュウ 1 リカ キョウシ ニ モトメラレル シシツ トハ ナニ カ センゼンヘン



"What is the professional knowledge and competence of science teachers?" This is an important theme for those concerned with, and interested in science teaching. This theme is historically recognized as universal in both western and non-western countries. In this paper the author has attempted to identify the professional knowledge and competence of science teachers before World War II from historical and comparative perspectives. First, the author describes two models of secondary teachers: the professional and the academic/liberal. The former was the predominant model for the education of secondary teachers at higher normal schools and the latter was the predominant model used in the imperial universities. The author has analyzed the curricula and records of informal meetings, which aimed to promote the professional development of secondary teachers in higher normal schools and in the imperial universities. Secondly, the author has compared the history of secondary science teacher education in Japan and England in terms of the development of professional knowledge and competence. The author concludes by categorizing the knowledge and competence required by secondary science teachers in Japan and England before World War II into :(i) Content knowledge; (ii) Curriculum knowledge and knowledge of educational goals and values, and (iii) Professional characteristics.


  • 科学教育研究

    科学教育研究 25 (1), 11-23, 2001

    一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会

被引用文献 (3)*注記


参考文献 (46)*注記


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