The Effect of Removal of Main Stem on Appearance of Tillers and Heading in Some Temperate Grasses

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  • 主稈切除が二,三寒地型牧草の分げつの出現ならびに出穂に及ぼす影響
  • シュカン セツジョ ガ ニ サンカンチガタ ボクソウ ノ ブンゲツ ノ シュツ

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This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of elongation of main stem and removal of the stem on appearance of new tillers and heading. Grasses used were orchardgrass, cv. Frode, tall fescue, cv. Kentucky 31, and Italian ryegrass. The results are summarized as follows. 1) In orchardgrass, appearance of new tillers was inhibited during the elongating stage of main stem. Removal of the elongating main stem resulted in increase in the numbers of new tillers and heads. The increments were large in the early stage of its elongation. After heading of the main stem, however, there was no effect of the removal. 2) Appearance of new tillers in the grasses tested was inhibited during the elongating stage of main stem. The inhibition was most remarkable in tall fescue, followed by orchardgrass and Italian ryegrass. 3) Removal of the elongating main stem resulted in increase in the numbers of new tillers and heads. The increments were largest in tall fescue, followed by orchardgrass and Italian ryegrass. From the results mentioned above, it may be suggested that degree of apical dominance and competition of nutrient absorption among tillers varied among different grasses.


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