Performance of Tropical Pasture Legumes grown in South-Western Islands of Japan : VII. The comparative dry matter production of three cultivars of tropical pasture legumes (Stylosanthes spp.) mixed with three tropical pasutre grasses under two clipping intervals

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  • 南西諸島における暖地型マメ科牧草の実用栽培に関する研究 : VII.暖地型マメ科牧草スタイロ(Stylosanthes spp.)とイネ科牧草との混播栽培における乾物生産量におよぼす同伴イネ科牧草および刈取頻度の影響
  • 南西諸島における暖地型マメ科牧草の実用栽培に関する研究-7-暖地型マメ科牧草スタイロ(Stylosanthes spp.)とイネ科牧草との混播栽培における乾物生産量におよぼす同伴イネ科牧草および刈取頻度の影響
  • ナンセイ ショトウ ニ オケル ダンチガタ マメカ ボクソウノ ジツヨウ サイ

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To evaluate the potential of tropical pasture legumes for increasing pasture productivity in the southern parts of Sowth-Western Islands, Japan, dry matter production of three cultivars of Stylosanthes spp. grown in mixture with three tropical pasture grasses were compared under two clipping intervals over two years. The cultivars and the grass species used in the experiment are ; S. humilis cv. Townsville, S. guianensis cv.'s Endeavour and Schofield, C. gayana cv. Pioneer (Rhodes grass), P. maximum (Guinea grass, unknown cultivar), and S. anceps cv. Kazungula. Annual dry matter production amounted 11.5-15.0t/ha in the stands of Endeavour and of Schofield mixed with the grasses showing a potential future for growing in the southern parts of South-Western Islands, Japan, however, the mixtures of Townsville and the grasses were not promising. Annual dry matter production of the mixtures of the promising legume cultivars changed with the growth habit of the associated grasses: Increased production levels were obtained with shorter or longer clipping intervals in association with longer or shorter type of grasses, respectively. The estimated optimal growing temperature for the promising legume cultivars were at 27-8℃ suggesting increased levels of legume effects on increasing productivity during worm seasons of this area.


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