Studies on Effect of Manure Application upon Chemical Composition and Feeding Value in Forage Crops : 1. Soiling Corn
- TAJI Kuniyasu
- Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
- KAKIHARA Hidefumi
- Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
- TAKAGI Minoru
- Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
- HORI Yasuhito
- Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
- YANO Shoji
- Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
- ANDO Nobuo
- Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
- KUMAI Sumio
- Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
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- Other Title
- 厩肥施用水準が飼料作物の化学成分と飼料価値に及ぼす影響 : 1.青刈トウモロコシ
- キュウヒ シヨウ スイジュン ガ シリョウ サクモツ ノ カガク セイブン ト
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This study was conducted to compare the effects of three levels of manure and urine applications on the chemical composition and the feeding value of soiling corn (white dent corn) during four years, from 1972 to 1975. Levels of application per 10 a during one cropping period were ; High level plot: manure 15,000kg plus urine 6,000kg Low level plot: manure 5, 000kg plus urine 2,000kg Control plot: No manure and urine, N 23kg as ammonium sulphate, P_2O_5 17kg as superphosphate and K_2O 24kg as potassium chloride. Corn plant was sown at the rate of 10kg per 10 a in 60cm rows on Jun. 6 in 1972, and on Jun. 5 in 1973, 1974 and 1975, respectively. Harvesting was made on Aug. 13 in both 1972 and 1973, on Aug. 8 in 1974 (early milk stage), and Jul. 31 to Aug. 13 in 1975 (tasseling to early milk stage), respectively. Digestibility was estimated by the conventional collection digestion trial with sheep. All materials were chopped into 5 to 7cm, and fed to sheep as green forage, sun-cured hay or silage. The results are summarized as follows: 1. During four experimental years, the highest annual dry matter yield was obtained in 1973, while no significant difference was observed between treatments. 2. Crude protein content of the high level plot was the highest throughout experimental years, especially higher than other treatments in 1973, 1974 and 1975. Also, crude protein content of the control plot was significantly higher than that of the low level plot in 1972. 3. Crude ash content of all treatments showed a tendency to increase as experimental year advanced. 4. Calcium content was decreased with increasing manure and urine application. 5. Both K and NO_3-N contents were increased with increasing manure and urine application, though K content showed a tendency to increase with year advanced. Content of K in the high level plot was significantly higher than that of the control plot in 1975. Nitrate nitrogen contents of both high and low level plots were significantly higher than that of the control plot in 1974, while that content of the high level plot was significantly higher than those of other plots in 1975. 6. Sodium content of all treatments showed a tendency to decrease as year advanced. 7. Phosphorus content of the low level plot was significantly higher than those of other plots in 1973, although those of both high and low level plots were significantly higher than the control plot in 1974 and 1975, respectively. 8. In comparisons with digestibility of each chemical composition in green forage, sun-cured hay and silage, digestibility of crude protein in both high and low level plots showed to be significantly higher than that of the control plots in green forage and sun-cured hay, respectively. 9. Silage qualities of all treatments were ranked excellent grade.
- Japanese Journal of Grassland Science
Japanese Journal of Grassland Science 22 (2), 70-77, 1976
Japanese Society of Grassland Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205753801344
- NII Article ID
- 110006464820
- NII Book ID
- AN00194108
- 21886555
- 04475933
- 1721242
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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