Studies on Nitrate Accumilation in Forage Crops : 1. Content of nitrate-N in forage turnip

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The purpose of this investigation was to examine the change of nitrate-N content and its distribution within the plant during the growth of forage turnip. The results obtained are as follows. 1. The nitrate-N contents in both the top and the root of turnip are markedly high in the early stage of growth and are about 10mg in average as NO_3-N per 1g in dry matter. From this stage onward, these contents decrease rapidly as the time proceeds and are almost kept constantly at low level in the latter stage of growth. 2. It is clear that the nitrate-N content of the root is higher than that of the top in the latter stage. 3. The ratios of nitrate-N in both parts of turnip are very high in the early stage of growth. This ratio in the top gradually decreases with aging, whereas the ratio in the root increases again at harvesting time after such a decrement as mentioned above. 4. The nitrate-N content of the petiole is higher than that of the blade, and that of tuber root is lower than that of another fibrous root. Tho older or outer leaves are found to be the lowest in total-N content, while the nitrate-N content is kept at nearly constant level in any leaves. 5. The application of barnyard manure does not necessarily result in increase of the nitrate-N content in both the top and the root of turnip. 6. It is suggested from this experiment that there is a possibility of nitrate poisoning for ruminant in the case of feeding large amounts of forage turnip with young leaves to it.


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