Natural Reseeding by Some Temperate Grass Species : IV. The trial of natural reseeding method to the improvement of orchardgrass- red top (Dactylis glomerata-Agrostis alba) pasture
- KITAHARA Norihisa
- Department of Grassland Planning, National Grassland Research Institute
- YOSHIMURA Yoshinori
- Department of Grassland Planning, National Grassland Research Institute
- SUZUKI Shinjiro
- Department of Grassland Planning, National Grassland Research Institute
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- Other Title
- 寒地型牧草の自然下種に関する研究 : IV.自然下種によるオーチャードグラス-レッドトップ放牧地の植生改善の実証
- 寒地型牧草の自然下種に関する研究-4-自然下種によるオーチャードグラスーレッドトップ放牧地の植生改善の実証
- カンチガタ ボクソウ ノ シゼンカシュ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 4 シゼンカ
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An old, deteriorated and weedy pasture, with remains of orchardgrass and red top, was resown naturally by deferred defoliation in two methods and compared with control during two grazing seasons of 1984 and '85. Treatment were: R1. Cutting in early August after deferring from spring in 1984, then followed two grazings in September and October (plot size 12.5a). R2. The same treatment as R1 except no grazing in September (plot size 12.5a). C. Conventional grazing (plot size 25a). In the following year, all experimental plots were grazed simultaneously after removing fences among the plots. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. The seed production and the quantities of fallen seeds in early August per m^2 in R1 pasture were 91.1g and 59.3g, respectively. 2. Soil moisture contents in R1 and R2 pastures in August and September, when plenty of fallen orchardgrass-seeds began to germinate, were distinctly higher than that in C pasture. Soil hardness in R1 and R2 pastures at the same months was significantly softer than that in C pasture. 3. The death-rates of adult orchardgrass from April to October in 1984 were higher in naturally reseeded pastures then in C pasture (R1: 74%, R2: 68%, C: 39%). 4. The vegetation after natural reseeding in R1 pasture was remarkably improved by the marked increase of individual density due to a large number of plants naturally-reseeded, especially by orchardgrass. On the contrary, in R2 and C pastures the invasion of aggressive weeds, particularly Digitaria adscendens Henr., made those vegetational status worse. It seems that the success of natural reseeding method in R1 pasture might be due to the plentiful fallen orchardgrass-seeds in addition with the good environmental condition (i.e. soil moisture, soil hardness, the competition between new seedlings naturally-reseeded and other plants, …) for the germination and establishment of fallen seeds.
- Japanese Journal of Grassland Science
Japanese Journal of Grassland Science 32 (3), 189-196, 1986
Japanese Society of Grassland Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205754460800
- NII Article ID
- 110006467649
- NII Book ID
- AN00194108
- 21886555
- 04475933
- 3109437
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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