指定討論 : ゲシュタルト心理学とグレゴリーのsideways規則(第21回大会 シンポジウム2 視知覚研究のゆくえ)


  • Commentaries : Gestalt psychology and the Gregory sideways rules(Symposium 2 at the 21st Annual Meeting: Towards the integration of approaches to visual perception)
  • 指定討論--ゲシュタルト心理学とグレゴリーのsideways規則
  • シテイ トウロン ゲシュタルト シンリガク ト グレゴリー ノ sideways キソク



The first commentator, Yoshimura, focused on the top-down and sideways rules of Gregory's perceptual framework, particularly emphasizing the intellectual function, which originates from Irvin Rock. Yoshimura used Morinaga's "equal width," one of the Gestalt rules, as an example of intellectual factors in the sideways information. As the second commentator, Noguchi made comments as below: Firstly, he demonstrated that the top-down processing like "perceptual strategy" should not be neglected in the detection of motion in depth when sensory signals were simple and provided only poor cues. Secondly, as shown in Noguchi's study (2003) on the relationship between visual illusion and aesthetic preference, the problem of visual awareness/qualia that might be regarded as a representative of top-down processing could not be solved without taking Gestalt laws into consideration. Finally, an attempt to treat comprehensively and quantitatively several Gestalt factors as unified Praegnanz tendency is highly evaluated. Yet, this attempt should not be concerned only with stimulus structures, and should take account of "perceptual structures" or "perceptual dimensions" which are elucidated with experimental phenomenology.


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