

  • Restore a Post-conflict Society
  • 紛争後社会の再生--南アフリカの事例から
  • フンソウ ゴ シャカイ ノ サイセイ ミナミアフリカ ノ ジレイ カラ
  • 南アフリカの事例から
  • The South African case



Over the last two decades, there have been several cases to resolve ethnic/national conflicts without retributions. Some people call the attempts 'Restorative Justice'. Among them, South African case since 1995 has been widely accepted as which traces of a new dimension of conflict management. This article focuses on the public victim hearings held by Human Rights Violation Committee of Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa (TRC).<br> TRC seems to have been appreciated for its notices of a political manipulation and consideration for individual memories. And sometimes, the latter may acquire the full agreements for the entire account to silent majority. However, an actual process to produce public statement has several stages of removing really personal memories.As a consequence, victim statements share a certain kind of common tendency. From M. Foucault's viewpoint of 'production of discourses' which works through people's confession, a position occupied by TRC Committee could show its character as a device makes people national subject. On the other hand, I question the evaluation on TRC as a power device. It is examined in considering committee's deeds?excessive grace?and the fact that almost half of the witnesses are agent of dead victims.<br> Moreover, I make an account of victim statements further, citing Charles Taylor's notion of 'the Politics of Recognition'. Usually, we tend to think that reconciliation take place through rational debate among the peoples concerned with an affair. Now I must make clear my notice not to neglect the needs and possibilities of reconciliation of that kind. But what Taylor's analysis tells is that identity politics might be not necessarily restricted in present people's interests. I suppose the depersonalized elements on TRC's victim statements would also function for white descendants on opposed side as they re-concider their identity.


  • ソシオロジ

    ソシオロジ 46 (2), 21-36,161, 2001


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