大正天皇の御真影下付とその「奉護」形態の模索 : 宮崎県による九州・沖縄地方各県の御真影「奉護」実態調査の意味


  • The Bestowal of the Taisho Emperor's Imperial Portrait and Its Veneration : Miyazaki Prefecture's Inquiry into the Imperial Portrait's Safekeeping and Its Influence
  • タイショウ テンノウ ノ ゴシンエイ カフ ト ソノ ホウゴ ケイタイ ノ モサク ミヤザキケン ニ ヨル キュウシュウ オキナワ チホウ カク ケン ノ ゴシンエイ ホウゴ ジッタイ チョウサ ノ イミ



The purpose of this paper is to show the condition of Imperial Portrait veneration in the 1910's and its development, through a study of the data of the Imperial Portrait veneration Inquiry made by Miyazaki prefecture. The form Imperial Portrait veneration took differed according to each local government's policy. Therefore, a case study of only one prefecture or religion cannot provide a nation-wide model. This paper approaches this issue through the use of Miyazaki and Oita etc. prefectural documents concerning Imperial Portrait veneration. As the result, this paper makes the following conclusions. First, reading the state of Imperial Portrait veneration before 1916, the method of veneration in Kyushu and Okinawa can be determined by an analysis of the number of schools that placed the Imperial Portrait in controlled rooms. In the 1910's, Imperial Portrait veneration at many schools took place in the teacher's room, etc. where veneration could be controlled by the staff of the school. Almost the same number of schools left the Imperial Portraits in the lecture hall. At this time, this difference was reflected by differing prefectual office policies. Second, Imperial Portrait veneration changed after 1917. Oita prefecture permitted the bestowal of Imperial Portraits on the condition that each school provide an appropriate facility for Imperial Portrait Deposit, as described in the "Instruction of Oita Prefecture." Third, Imperial Portrait veneration slowly became standardized during the 1920's through the use of the Imperial Portrait Deposit. At first, the Imperial Portrait Deposit was erected by local prefectures as a self-defensive measure so the style of Imperial Portrait Deposit was not uniform. The 1920's was a period of unification as the Shinto shrine style Imperial Portrait Deposit became dominant. This study is important because it helps to further our understanding of the relationship between Modern Emperor system and education.


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