Rational Approximation of Incomplete Gamma Function for the Sake of Effective Molecular Orbital Calculations
- Amisaki Takashi
- Shimane University
- Obara Shigeru
- Hokkaido Educational University
- Nagashima Umpei
- National Institute of Materials and Chemical Reactions
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- Other Title
- 分子軌道計算のための不完全ガンマ関数の有理式近似
- ブンシ キドウ ケイサン ノ タメ ノ フカンゼン ガンマ カンスウ ノ ユウリシキ キンジ
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A method has been developed for an efficient approximation of incomplete gamma function that occurs in molecular orbital calculation with Gaussian-type basis sets. The method employs rational Chebyshev approximation and forward and backward recurrence relations to reduce the memory-space requirement without compromising accuracy. An example is illustrated for the cases wherein the sum of quantum numbers of orbitals is less than or equal to 8 and the rational functions are evaluated using double-precision numbers. In sucha case, results accurate to 50 significant bits can be obtained.
- Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 9 (4), 151-163, 1999
The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205767430656
- NII Article ID
- 110001883723
- NII Book ID
- AN10367166
- 09172246
- 24240982
- 4931780
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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