

  • The Process of Transformation from Spoken Words to Songs in Unit "Create Hyakunin-Isshu and Sing it"
  • タンゲン 「 ヒャクニンイッシュ オ ツクッテ ウタオウ 」 ニ ミル ハナス コトバ カラ ウタ エ ノ ヘンヨウ カテイ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ



Purpose The purpose of this study is to clarify the process of transformation from spoken words to songs through an analysis of the unit on "Create Hyakunin-Isshu and Sing it." Method First, an overview of the research class and the method of analysis are discussed. This paper next examines the research class, in which a selected student's singing displays remarkable change over three periods. These periods are the early stage of singing, a mid-term presentation, and a final presentation. This is examined considering the following points: 1) How were the words created in Hyakunin-Isshu sung? Moreover, how was the singing transformed over time? 2) What factors caused the above transformation? 3) How did the image of the selected child's inner world form and develop along with the change in his/her way of singing? Finally, the results of the analysis and the research itself are discussed. Conclusion First, the spoken words became rhythmic, and then a transformation due to elements such as intonation in words and extended vowels, agogics, and changes in dynamics and tone color of the voice began. At this time, in conjunction with the formation and development of the image of the student's inner world, a variety of musical elements appeared. Furthermore, in this setting - either the class as a whole or in group activities - effective communication with others via sound and language occurred.


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