- Yamamoto Katsuya
- National institute of population and Social Security Research
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- Other Title
- 実行可能性からみた最低保障年金制度
- ジッコウ カノウセイ カラ ミタ サイテイ ホショウ ネンキン セイド
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As the Demographic Party of Japan's blueprint for pension reform remains ambiguous, we attempt to estimate the cost of the Minimum Guaranteed Pension financed by the consumption tax. The DPJ proposes that the MGP will be reduced for individuals in the high-income group, for example, making more than 3.0 million yen per year, and eliminated completely for those taking in around 6.0 million yen a year or more. However, in those settings of the range of income to determine the pension benefit, the DPJ's newly pension scheme will bankrupt soon. The reason is clear. Recently, there are many low-income in Japan and they will be paid the full amount of the MGP in the DPJ pension scheme. In case of changing the lower base remuneration of determining the pension benefit 3.0 million yen per year to 1.8 million yen a year, it is possible to introduce the MGP in a less than 5% consumption tax hike. Actually, the working and economic environment doesn't improve significantly, the level of consumption tax is to raise 20% more in the DPJ scheme. Even the lower base of making the pension benefit 1.8 million yen to 1.0 million yen, we need 14% increasing the level of the consumption tax. Before making the pension reform, the DPJ must improve the economy and working conditions.
- Journal of Household Economics
Journal of Household Economics 35 (0), 1-16, 2012
The Japan Society of Household Economics
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205768900736
- NII Article ID
- 110009437812
- NII Book ID
- AN10495701
- 24241288
- 13417347
- 023686570
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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