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- Other Title
- 満洲から筑豊へ
- 満洲から筑豊へ : 幻灯『せんぷりせんじが笑った!』(1956)をめぐる「工作者」たちのゆきかい
- マンシュウ カラ チクホウ エ : ゲントウ 『 センプリセンジ ガ ワラッタ!』(1956)オ メグル 「 コウサクシャ 」 タチ ノ ユキカイ
- 幻灯『せんぷりせんじが笑った!』(1956)をめぐる「工作者」たちのゆきかい
- Traffics of “Agents” around “<i>Gentō</i>” Film <i>Senpuri Senji Laughed!</i> (1956)
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<p>Japan Coal Miners Union had played a leading role in independent production and screening of “gentō” (magic lantern, lantern slide, stereopticon) as a useful medium of document, education, propaganda and persuasion for labor movements during 1950s.JCMU also produced two fictional gentō films based on the series of “ebanashi” (illustrated story) created by Ueno Eishin and Senda Umeji within coal miners’ cultural movement. In this article, I would like to focus on one of these ebanashi gentō films, Senpuri Senji Laughed! (1956), trying to shed light on its creators’ background and its making process that have been unknown since rediscovering of this film in 2007. Both of two creators of this film, Kikuchi Toshio (photography) and Sei Mitsuo (production design) were film technicians belonged to Manchuria Film Association during war.After Japan’s defeat, they transferred to Northeast Film Studio and continued filmmaking in People’s Republic of China till they returned to Japan in 1953. After returning Japan, Kikuchi and Sei co-created Senpuri Senji Laughed!, the unique gentō work photographing elaborate puppets and miniature sets to represent hard labor and life of coal miners with reality. I also try to verify that this film was created as a result of the cross-cultural interaction between China and Japan in 1950s.</p>
- eizogaku
eizogaku 96 (0), 5-26, 2016
Japan Society of Image Arts and Sciences
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205769388544
- NII Article ID
- 130005170129
- NII Book ID
- AN00022124
- 21896542
- 02860279
- 027598930
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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