和歌的幻像の追求 : 能因法師論ノート(<特集>古代の文学)


  • Seeking for the poetic illution : A note for a study of The Priest Noin
  • 和歌的幻像の追求--能因法師論ノート
  • ワカテキ ゲンゾウ ノ ツイキュウ ノウイン ホウシロン ノート



In the "Suketada-syu", or "Colletion of thirty-one-syllabled poems composed by Suketada Fuziwara", it is found the poem with a comment that, in the first day of the forth month of the lunar calender, he went to a hill for viewing cherry-blossoms with some 'suki-mono'. 'Suki-mono' means a eccentric dilettante, who yearns for viewing cherry-blossoms even in early Summer. 'Suki-mono' seeks for the poetic illusion in flowers, birds and the noted places, which have been seen in the excellent poems in former times. Suketada was one of the minor poets surrounging Noin. Noin associated a group with some friends, taking a pleasure in composing poems. Noin was known as a typical 'suki-mono', and we can see his eccentric dilettantism in the "Noin-syu", of "Collection of poems coposed by Noin". "Ko-zu", being in the comment given to a poem in the "Noin-syu", means a dilente as well as 'Suki-mono'. Noin composed poems, with some 'Ko-zu', in which he told a gladness of meeting again with old friends. In the "Noin-syu", we find the poem with the comment that Ono no Komachi, the famous poets in the early Heian Period, appeared in his dream and composed the poem. This curious experience was suitable for Noin as a 'suki-mono', and, strange to say, the poem resembles to more the poems of Ono no Komachi than those of Noin. Noin often made tours, and composed many poems on the occasions. On a certain time, he went on a tour to the Northeastern provinces, and after coming back to Kyoto, he composed ten poems, in which he recollected the impression of the noted places. It seems to me that the sepoems added new subject matters and manners to what was seen in the poems in former times. Perhaps his experience of the travel had brought such as fresh tastes for his poems.


  • 日本文学

    日本文学 19 (7), 1-14, 1970


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