記録「トラオ物語」 : 現実認識としての虚構の成立(<特集>子どもの現実と表現)


  • Chronicle "The Tale of Torao" : Fiction as a Means of Apprehending Reality(<Special Issee>The Language and Reality of Schoolchildren)
  • 記録「トラオ物語」--現実認識としての虚構の成立
  • キロク トラオ モノガタリ ゲンジツ ニンシキ トシテノ キョコウ ノ セイリ



One day, an abandoned cat on the verge of death was brought into the classroom. In their class meeting, the children discussed what should be done with the cat. If they were to keep the cat in the classroom, they would be violating school rules; if they took it home (to housing projects), they would be violating housing contracts. In the end, unable to let the cat die, the children decided to care for it in the classroom. Caught between the desire to care for the cat and the risks of breaking rules, the children wrote a tale with the abandoned cat as the main character. Through this work of fiction, the children scrutinized the reality surrounding them and criticized a human-centered sense of values. They were also giving forceful expression to a dream that could not be actualized in real life.


  • 日本文学

    日本文学 30 (8), 25-35, 1981


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