The "Golden Age" of the Emperor Gosaga

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  • 理想としての「後嵯峨院時代」
  • リソウ ト シテ ノ ゴサガイン ジダイ

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In the early Kamakura Period the Emperor Gotoba conceded the administration to the samurai warrior class, but at the end of the period the Emperor Godaigo resisted the rule of the warrior class and attempted to overthrow it. The reign of the Emperor Gosaga lied just in the middle of this turbulent age, and he is called a nonchalant emperor of the "golden Age" when the warrior class and aristocracy held a happy balance of power. In this essay, I will present the more positive image of the Emperor who has often been rather negatively described. In so doing, I will read the historical as well as literary descriptions and representations of the Emperor Gosaga in the writings of his age and of the Nanboku-cho Period.


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