The Influence of Sanyūtei-Enchō's Colloquial Style on Modern Literature

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  • 三遊亭円朝の流通
  • 三遊亭円朝の流通 : 傍聴筆記の受容と言文一致小説
  • サンユウテイエン アサ ノ リュウツウ : ボウチョウ ヒッキ ノ ジュヨウ ト ゲンブン イッチ ショウセツ
  • ――傍聴筆記の受容と言文一致小説――

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<p>It is well known that the most important invention of modern Japanese literature is the unification of the written and spoken language. But it is little known that Sanyūtei-Enchō had a great influence on the making of the new literary style. Indeed, his colloquial style of rakugo storytelling inspired Shōyō Tsubouchi, Shimei Futabatei, and Bimyō Yamada so much that they reworked it into an aesthetic form of writing. The origin of serious literature lies in popular entertainment.</p>


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