澤正の学級経営論の特質 : 学級経営の実践と理論を支える教育課程思想に着目して


  • The Traits of the Classroom Management Ideas by SAWA Tadashi : Focusing on his Curriculum Thoughts Supporting Practice and Theory of the Classroom Management
  • サワ セイ ノ ガッキュウ ケイエイロン ノ トクシツ : ガッキュウ ケイエイ ノ ジッセン ト リロン オ ササエル キョウイク カテイ シソウ ニ チャクモク シテ



The purpose of this study is to examine the traits of the ideas on the classroom management by Sawa Tadashi (1882-1920) in the latter Meiji period, the man acknowledged as the first advocate on the autonomy of elementary school teacher in the educational activities. On the new movement in education, analyzing both traditional and progressive education, he insisted that neither the old education nor the new education is appropriate. Neither of them were sufficient on its own. Both educations contained the fundamental elements. He did not take one side or the other, so he attempted the simpler and deepened education involving both sides of the value of education. Analyzing his most important statement Classroom management and his many articles, it is clarified that his ideas did not consist of training only, but all components of education. The characteristics of his classroom management ideas are mentioned as follows: 1) The intellectual and moral and physical education for the harmonious growth of the personality. He attempted to study both the subject-matter for the instruction and the materials for the extra-education activities, so he takes them in practice. 2) The group study with the teachers in the communities At that time, many attached elementary school teachers were interested in their own study on philosophy and practice of the new education for introducing their own school activities, but on the other he directed the public elementary school teachers and proceeded to study and practice with them. This was his unique contribution that he aimed the qualitative improvement not only in his own school but also all over the region. According to the finding above, the ideas of classroom management by Sawa Tadashi contained the basis of the curriculum thoughts in his practice and theory of the classroom management.


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