I.F.グッドソンによる教科史研究の方法論的意義 : 英国カリキュラム社会学における独自性に着目して


  • The Significance of I. F. Goodson's Methodology in his Historical Study of School Subjects : Focusing on its Originality in Sociology of Curriculum in Britain
  • I F グッドソン ニ ヨル キョウカシ ケンキュウ ノ ホウホウロンテキ イギ エイコク カリキュラム シャカイガク ニ オケル ドクジセイ ニ チャクモク シテ



The purpose of this paper is to clarify the significance of I. F. Goodoson's methodology in his historical study of school subjects, focusing on its originality in sociology of curriculum in Britain. The intention of Sociology of Curriculum having emerged in 1970's in Britain was to clear the power relations of dominant groups hidden in school curriculum. They opposed to the philosophers who think the value of 'academic' knowledge absolute. However these studies could not approach the real contexts which constraint each teacher's practice in each school, for they produced only total criticism. Goodson criticized that these former studies 'alienate' teachers. Then, he has been engaged in developing new original methodology with enthusiasm since 1980's. That is, he applied the viewpoint of 'social construction of curriculum' to the historical study of school subjects, and in this process, he developed an original method which is 'Teachers' Life History' method. 1. The characteristics of the viewpoint of 'social construction of curriculum' He adopts the viewpoint of 'social construction of curriculum' to understand the multidimentional negotiating processes among different social groups. He asserted the necessity of the 'combined approach' to get over the teachers' 'alienation' brought by former studies, which make it possible to understand the political prescription of curriculum and teachers' practice in classrooms in integrated way. In other words, we should understand how historical and structural factors define the social contexts which constraint each teacher's practice in detail. By this standpoint, he refined the viewpoint of 'social construction of curriculum', and devised new methodology. 2. The characteristics of the 'Teachers' Life History' method. The notable characteristics of Goodson's methodology is the 'Teachers' Life History' method. By using this, we can scrutinize particular person's life experience in social movement, and facilitate the detailed understanding about structural and contextual constraints on each parson and group. He aimed to form the 'theories of context' by using this original methodology. Similarly in Japan, the limitation of studies which only criticize the power relations hidden in school curriculum is coming to be recognized, and the necessity to turn the focus on each teacher's practice is advocated. However, if these studies didn't take the various contexts into considerations around each teacher, they might have danger to 'alienate' teachers. So, we should introduce 'Teachers' Life History' method into curriculum studies.


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