調製粉乳のビタミンB_1定量について : (III)前処理条件の検討


  • Determination of Thiamine in the Modified Milk Powder : (III) INVESTIGATION OF PROCEDURE OF PRETREATMENT
  • 調製粉乳のビタミンB1定量について-3-前処理条件の検討
  • チョウセイ フンニュウ ノ ビタミン B1 テイリョウ ニ ツイテ 3 マエ ショリ ジョウケン ノ ケントウ



Pretreatment of milk powder with protease of Streptomyces griseus and Takadiastase B was shown to be necessary to extract thiamine perfectly from milk powder (Vitamins 39,109 (1969)). Further investigation of the procedure demonstrated that extraction of thiamine was most perfect on pretreatment of 5g milk powder with 0.2% Pronase-P at 37℃ for 16 hrs and then with 0.5% Takadiastase for 2-3 hrs. Contamination of thiamine in either Pronase-P or Takadiastase was negligible for estimation. Recovery test of thiamine diphosphate added to the sample was shown to be nearly 100% in the improved procedure, while only 80% recovery in HCl-extraction method.


  • ビタミン

    ビタミン 42 (2), 73-75, 1970

    公益社団法人 日本ビタミン学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

