

  • Awareness of Autonomy and Mobilization of Neighborhood Organizations of Tokyo in the Early 1960s
  • 1960年代前半における東京都町内会の自治意識とその包摂 : 防犯灯問題から東京オリンピックヘ
  • 1960ネンダイ ゼンハン ニ オケル トウキョウト チョウナイカイ ノ ジチ イシキ ト ソノ ホウセツ : ボウハントウ モンダイ カラ トウキョウ オリンピックヘ
  • ─防犯灯問題から東京オリンピックへ─
  • From the Problem of Crime Prevention Light to the Arrangements for the Olympics in Tokyo



The objective of this paper is to clarify the process of the development of awareness of autonomy in neighborhood organizations and their mobilization in early 1960s’ in Tokyo. Framework applied in this paper is from sociological viewpoint regarding neighborhood organization and from public administration. In detail, this paper will pay attention to the aspects of the awareness instead of the structure and the character as pressure group of neighborhood organization. Then, this paper will differentiate the period into two terms. The former is from the end of 1950s’ to 1961. Through this period, the problem of crime prevention light occurred and the cabinet council decided the measure of maintenance of the light. The latter is from 1961 to the Olympics in Tokyo in 1964. At this stage, Inclusion and Mobilization of neighborhood organizations have been developed. Research data is mainly from a set of books “Chokai” (in English “neighborhood organization”) reprinted in 2007. It was written based on the report from each organization in Tokyo, in 1950s’ and 1960s’. The text describes the lively activities and characters. So it is also useful to relativize the structure centric analysis regarding the organization. In conclusion, following process will be clarified. In the former period, the awareness of autonomy in neighborhood organizations was occurred based on the activity to solve the problem of crime prevention light and the trial to identify constellation of organizations. However, the cabinet council decision opened the possibility of inclusion and mobilization through the frame of the awareness and local identity. The possibility was realized through the arrangements for the Olympics in Tokyo based on the moral as “Citizen of Tokyo” instead of residents of neighborhood organization. We can suppose the process of inclusion and mobilization as a former condition of community policy by the government in 1970s’.


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