教育政策研究の「ゆくえ」(I <特集1>教育政策研究の視角と方法)


  • Where is educational policy research heading toward?(I <Special Papers 1>Aspects and Methods for Educational Policy Studies)
  • 教育政策研究の「ゆくえ」
  • キョウイク セイサク ケンキュウ ノ ユクエ



The purpose of this paper is to examine the importance of normative judgments in research into administration and educational policy. Especially, the author focuses on meanings of an idea which considers research into administration and educational policy as a discourse analysis. The viewpoint the author wants to make is that a normative judgment of an individual researcher composes a paradigm that supplies a pattern of how to ask and answer educational problems. "Foreignization" of the text is important in discourses of education research. Any educational research cannot be value free and the just like a contribution of objective information. As the educational policy research increases its importance under the recent new political situation, the significance of a normative judgment the researcher has at the planning of his works becomes bigger.


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