教育費政策の諸類型 : 日本教育費政策史研究序論(III 投稿論文)


  • Theory on the Classification of Policies for Education Finances : A Study on the History of Policies for Education Finances in Japan(III. Research Papers)
  • 教育費政策の諸類型--日本教育費政策史研究序論
  • キョウイクヒ セイサク ノ ショ ルイケイ ニホン キョウイクヒ セイサクシ ケンキュウ ジョロン



As a framework for the study of the history of Japan's policies on the financing of education, this paper proposes a theory for classifying these policies. Three categories which have often been used in past studies as the analytical framework and as the basis for policy evaluation are education costs paid by the beneficiaries of education, defrayment by those who established the educational institution, and financing by the national treasury. Very few of these studies, however, thoroughly analyzed the categories from historical and theoretical perspectives. In this paper, these categories are reexamined critically and two pairs of fundamental categories are posited for a new study on the history of education financing policy. Those categories are (1) free education system versus pay education system, and (2) defrayment by the establishers of school versus defrayment by the national treasury. Through the combination of two fundamental categories, four types of policies are proposed. They are (1) Kokka-kyoikuhi-shugi: the principle of educational financing by the state, composed of a paying education system and defrayment by the national treasury; (2) Kohi-kyoikuhi-shugi: the principle of public expenses for education, composed of free education system and defrayment by the establishers; (3) Kyoiku-hojokin-shugi: the principle of education expenditures supported totally by national funds; and (4) Juekisha-futan-shugi: the principle of educational expenses paid totally by the beneficiaries of education.


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