

  • Kinds of Drama
  • ドラマ ノ シュルイ



Drama can be classified from various points of view. The most important among them is, perhaps, the traditional distinction between tragedy and comedy. But, some objections have been raised against it. Since R. Petsch has in his "Zwei Pole des Dramas", contrasted the drama in the narrow sense of the word or "das geistige Drama" (the spiritual drama) and "Mimus" or "Theaterstuck" (stage play) as the two poles, such contrast has found some followers. Prof. P. Kluckhohn has criticized Petsch in his "Die Arten des Dramas", and himself divided drama into thndskinds : the drama in the narrow sense of the word or Entscheidungsdrama (drama of decision), Spiel (play) or Geschehensdrama drama of happening), and festival play. His division seems to be more appropriate than Petsch's. Once a famous French critic declared that "the Orientals have no drama, but they have novels". But, was he really right? If he had meant that "the Orientals have no drama of decision, but they have drama of happening", he might be right. In my opinion, the dramas of decision have been brought forth, also in Japan. And the question arises whether the drama of decision is more valuable than the drama of happening.


  • 美学

    美学 17 (4), 21-30, 1967


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