Dr.Monygham and Deformation : A Baroque Example Inherent in Nostromo



The purpose of this paper is to show an example of Nostromo's artistry with Monygham, who seems a kind of deformed figure in the novel. Nostromo is impartial. The impartiality of Nostromo, a sort of perfection, is similar to one of the Baroque art. You could see the Baroque muddle in Nostromo's impartiality; for Nostromo has a sense of incongruity with all its perfectivity. In Nostromo Monygham's distorted nature is a counter-impartial image. It provides a key to solve the incongruous sense permeating through Nostromo. The manneristic incongruity of Monygham is a manifestation of twisted perfection. Incongruous Monygham has a fictional role and the manneristic role reflects the Baroque perfectivity of impartial Nostromo. The deformation of Monygham signifies 'discordia concors' as a perfect artistry of Nostromo.


  • 英米文化

    英米文化 31 (0), 137-149, 2001



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