Synthesis of the Arts

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  • 諸芸術の総合
  • ショ ゲイジュツ ノ ソウゴウ

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From the beginning of the 20th century the various arts began to break away from one other, each seeking to become autonomous. Although this tendency, which was caused by the specialization of our century, exerted an enormous influence on the development of modern art and architecture, it must not be ignored that such isolation of the arts has made us lose sight of the total vision of man and the world. Today, aware of the implicit dangers in this tendency, many artists and architects are searching for a way to attain a new synthesis of the arts. They are convinced that modern art and design must be brought together in a universal conception of the world that would once again unite thought and feeling. In order to find the fundamental thought to arrive at a new synthesis, here I will take up three problems-the idea of the "Konkrete Kunst", some ways of conbining art and architecture, and the social function of art. Through these problems we shall find that it is the important task of art and design to "express a clear vision of true reality" (P. Mondrian), or to realize the "Umgestaltung" through the "Konkrete Kunst" (M. Bill).


  • Aesthetics

    Aesthetics 13 (2), 38-45, 1962

    The Japanese Society for Aesthetics


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