

  • The Function of Cabinet Council
  • カクギ ノ キノウ ニ カンスル セイジガクテキ コウサツ



1. Introduction 2. The Role of Cabinet Council 3. The Premier and the Cabinet 4. Reinforcement of Premier's Power 5. Conclusion The reformation of administraton had become the most important issue since the 1996 general election. This issue could be roughly classiry into two large subjects. One is the administrative reorganization, and the other is the reinforcement of the power of the Premier. In this paper, the author describes the latter subject by focusing on the function of the cabinet council. According to the Constitution, the Premier is the head and the cheif of the cabinet. The status of the Premier is much more higher than the "primus inter pares". Thougn by the decision-making process, such as unanimitism of the cabinet council, the power of the Premier has been extremely weakend. It is said that unanimitism is necessary to maintain the unity of administration. But to react promtly to crisis, and to clarify the responsibility of the government, the feinforcement of the Primier's power, namely, the improvement of the Premier's leadership became an urgent subject, especially after the great earthquake disaster in 1995. Though there are many ways to reinforce the Premier's power, it would be a grat advance only by improving the management of the cabinet council. For example, just by abolishing the unanimity rule, it would bring a drastic change, and the power of the Premier would be strengthen naturally.


  • 法政論叢

    法政論叢 34 (0), 186-193, 1998


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