A Study on the Develpment of Visual Literacy : Using the film "The Island" as stimulus material

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  • 映像視聴能力の発達的研究 : 映画「裸の島」を素材として
  • エイゾウ シチョウ ノウリョク ノ ハッタツテキ ケンキュウ エイガ ハダカ

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In this research, the authors designed and conducted a questionnaire survey to clarify the developmental aspects of visual literacy. The subjects were from fifth grade to eighth, as well as college students. The procedure was as follows. 1) Reconsideration of what constitutes of visual literacy. The authors defined this "literacy" as having six elements : understanding of the situation of a scene, the ability to guess what the characters of a scene think or feel, predicting the evolvement of the visuals, and plunging oneself into the world created by the work. 2) Selection of the visual material used for the survey to accurately measure these abilities. The authors chose the film named "The Island" as our research material. It is a film that has no verbal information such as dialogue or narration. The selection of the film is a very critical part in this survey as we sought to measure visual literacy itself free from the influence of verbal information. 3) Design of the questionnaire and conduct of the survey. The authors designed the questionnaire based on the film content. Using the film as a basis for their responses, subjects were required to complete the survey. Analysis of the data collated from the responses of 515 subjects suggests some developmental improvement of visual literacy from grade five to college level. The main findings are as follows. 1) In regards to the five elements of visual literacy, a significant statistical gap exists between fifth and sixth graders. 2) For two out of the five elements mentioned above, the statistical results of college students were significantly different from those of other students.


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