104 Noise and Vibration Analysis with Analytical SEA

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  • 104 解析SEAによる構造音響解析(音響・構造の連成解析)
  • 解析SEAによる構造音響解析
  • カイセキ SEA ニ ヨル コウゾウ オンキョウ カイセキ

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This paper discusses the effectiveness of analytical statistical energy analysis (ASEA) for analyzing vibroacoustic predictions. Transmissions through an aluminum plate between two acoustical cavities are examined by two methods; one is ASEA and the other is measurement. Especially the discussion focuses on comparing Coupling Loss Factors (CLFs) derived by the two methods. It is because the CLFs presented to the indices of power transmission are unique and most important parameters of SEA. As a result, the transmission from the cavity to the structure can be predicted by ASEA. However, those between two cavities and from the structure to the cavity should be investigated further quantitative manners.


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