J1010302 地震観測データ分析に基づく免震構造物の振動性状に関する報告 : その1,建物の振動性状に基づく解析モデルによる観測波形の再現([J101-3]耐震・免震・制震 免震(1))


  • J1010302 Report on Vibrational Characteristics of Seismic Isolation Building Based on Seismic Records : Parti Reproduction of the Observation Wave Pattern by the Analytical Model to be Based into a the Vibrational Characteristics of the Building


In this paper, the analytical model is developed based on seismic record, it is a purpose to demonstrate the reappearance of the response wave. Based on drawings, a three-dimensional analytical model is developed and calculated stiffness and mass layer from structural mechanics. A multi mass system analytical model is developed from these physical parameters. In order to the analytical model is verified validity, natural frequency and transfer function are found from observation wave pattern and response wave pattern of the analytical model. In comparison with seismic records, modified model that the primary natural frequency of the Seismic records identified is developed because natural frequency of the analytical model is low. The seismic records are set with the input earthquake wave, it is performed the earthquake response analysis. In comparison with seismic records, the layer low wave pattern are high reappearance of design model and modified model, but the layer high wave pattern are low reappearance. Thus, we will inspect it about the identification of other than primary natural frequency in future.


  • 年次大会

    年次大会 2014 (0), _J1010302--_J1010302-, 2014

    一般社団法人 日本機械学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

