S1320103 Influence of cutting conditions on tool wear on driven rotary cutting of maraging steel

  • GOTO Masato
    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
  • TAKAHASHI Wataru
    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
  • SASAKI Wataru
    IHI Corporation, Dept. of Material Processing Technology
  • TOJYO Takeshi
    IHI Corporation, Dept. of Material Processing Technology
  • TAKAGI Yuji
    Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, Dept. of Research and Development
  • YAMAMOTO Hiromasa
    Yamazaki Mazak Corporation, Dept. of New Technology Development
  • SASAHARA Hiroyuki
    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • S1320103 マルエージング鋼の駆動型ロータリ切削における加工条件が工具摩耗へ及ぼす影響([S132-01]先進切削加工技術(1))


Maraging steels are used for jet engine of aircrafts and rockets. Maraging steels are superior high-temperature properties and they are also known as difficult-to-cut materials. There is a driven rotary cutting as a new machining method for difficult-to-cut materials. Driven rotary cutting is machining method used rotating tool with multi-tasking lathe. The cutting heat and the tool wear are distributed all around the cutting tool due to rotating tool; therefore tool life is expected to increase. In this paper, driven rotary cutting was conducted for the maraging steel. Influence of cutting conditions on tool wear was investigated. As a result, we found that cutting conditions have optimal conditions that decrease the tool wear. In addition, tool life test was conducted. As a result, driven rotary cutting achieved efficiency 11 times or more of conventional turning.


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