505 A Study on Sources of Error in Laser Doppler Velocimeter : An Analysis of Interference of Diffraction Images near Focal Points

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  • 505 レーザドップラー流速計の誤差に関する検討 : 焦点付近の回折像の干渉解析(G.S. 流体工学 : 噴流,その他)


Sources of errors in laser Doppler velocimeter are studied by calculating interference image produced by diffraction images of two beams come out at their convergence region. About 4% error is caused by an omission of fringe at the summit of each beam in the both 1/4 ends of the measuring region. The other about 6% error is caused by interference fringes generate on two beams outsides of the measuring region. These errors may be incompletely removed by hi-pass filtering of the measured signal. The more complete countermeasure than the former is to raise the threshold of effective fringes


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