Damage Behavior Evaluation and Thermal Stress Analysis with coupled analysis of Carbon Fiver Reinforced Polycyanate Esters under Thermal Cyclic Environment

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  • ポリシアネート樹脂炭素繊維強化プラスチックスの熱サイクル環境下での損傷評価及び有限要素法を用いた熱応力連成解析


<p>In this study we aim to estimate damage in materials which is used in antenna's radial ribs of new radio astronomy satellite. The materials are carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) because of their high-specific strength. In space environment, cyclic temperature change is loaded on a structure due to sunshine and eclipse. As a result, severe thermal stress occurs and causes damages in CFRP. The purpose of this study is to evaluate thermal fatigue effects on microscopic damage progress in CFRP. We also conducted finite element analyses to discuss the mechanism of damage behavior.</p>


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