Simultaneous Reduction of NOx and Soot in Diesel Engines Using a New Mixture Preparation Method.

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  • 新しい混合気形成法によるディーゼルのNOx・煤同時低減
  • アタラシイ コンゴウキ ケイセイホウ ニヨル ディーゼル ノ NOx スス ド

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We describe an experimental study on the simultaneous reduction of NOx and soot in diesel engines achieved using a new mixture preparation method. To produce a lean uniform mixture, a new type of injection equipment was used with various injection timings. Between the late and very early injection timings, there was an injection timing range at which the amount of NOx produced was extremely low and soot was not emitted. NOx production was suppressed to a level one hundredth that of conventional DI diesel engines. However, with increasing load, NOx production increased sharply and strong diesel knocking occurred. This indicated that NOx production was strongly influenced by the process of mixture formation.


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